Dr. Tyra Crowley Dr. Annika Frederickson Dr. Lauren Klutchka
Monday- Friday
8AM- 4PM
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Routine dental exams can prevent performance problems and provide timely diagnosis of dental issues
Our veterinarians recommend a yearly dental exam for your horse. This includes a float and an exam to address any current problems, note teeth or areas to watch, and prevent possible future problems such as tooth abscess, fracture, or periodontal disease
Using a speculum to keep your horse’s mouth open and a light mounted to the speculum, the veterinarian can look into the mouth and perform a thorough exam
We float using a Power-Float which allows the floating process of your horse(s)'s teeth to be quicker. This causes less stress to your horse and allows the veterinarian to do a more thorough float because they are less fatigued
Young and middle aged horses usually have very sharp points that need to be floated to prevent ulceration on the cheeks or tongue, and pain while riding with a bridle
Older horses need a thorough exam as there may be loose teeth to remove, or signs of periodontal disease that are not easily noticed
Usually a horse's cheek teeth are situated tightly together. When a horse has a diastema it allows food to pack between the teeth here bacteria can grow and cause decay leading to periodontal disease and in some cases tooth and/or sinus cavity abscess
Using the Power-Float to bur the diastema widens the space which prevents food from packing and allows the area to be flushed clean
Young horses that are still maturing can have 1-4 wolf teeth that can interfere with the bit and cause head tossing and other issues. Our veterinarians can remove the wolf teeth. The extraction procedure ranges from fairly quick and simple to the more complicated cases where the wolf teeth are still securely attached to the gums
A horse can experience a tooth fracture at any age and removing the pieces of the tooth can prevent more severe medical problems in the future
Older horses often have loose teeth that require extraction and flushing of the space left by the tooth
Dental disease can affect the bone structure surrounding your horse's teeth. Radiographs can show the extent of the disease/damage and direct the veterinarian to specific treatment options
EOTRH Syndrome is diagnosed using radiographs of the incisors. This painful disease can affect horses (usually geldings) in their mid teens and up requiring the incisors to be removed. Click here for more info.